

While many parents are more familiar with the routines and methods of a traditional, 实体公立学校, online public schools offer a high-quality education as well as appealing differences. Although families mention a variety of reasons for leaving their previous school or schooling method, they quickly identify five main benefits of attending a virtual school.


Traditional brick-and-mortar schools can be challenging for aspiring athletes, 演员, 艺术家, and those heavily involved in extracurricular activities to find a balance between school and their interests. Many students in such situations devote significant time to travel, 实践, 以及满足他们目标的其他要求. Online schools offer flexible schedules that fit school to the student—instead of fitting the student to the school.

That said, everyone can benefit from the flexibility of virtual schools. 有了这个模型, 安排医生的预约很简单, 志愿服务, 兼职工作, 还有其他承诺. 除了, students switching from being homeschooled may find online school to be a good choice—and a smooth transition.

The flexible schedule also allows students to move at their own pace. Students at virtual schools don’t have to wait for other students to catch up or worry about rushing through a difficult concept. This flexible pace allows for mastery of material on your student’s terms.

A Chance for Homeschool Students to Learn at Home with a Proven 课程

Whether you are a current homeschool family or thinking about homeschooling, online public school can be a great option for you to consider. 通过网络学校, you don’t have to find materials and make sure your child has a well-rounded and complete education. And you don’t have to take on the job of a full-time teacher. There are certified teachers who support your student’s learning with a proven curriculum in all core subjects and electives.

通过网络学校, you can still play an important role in your child’s education as the learning coach—monitoring progress, 保持学生的积极性, 参与孩子的日常学习. 作为家长, you know how quickly the K–12 school years fly by; online school lets you be involved and keep your child close by, 在你安全舒适的家里.


One of the greatest benefits of online learning is having fewer distractions and time wasters.

With a Learning Coach to monitor progress and keep learning on track, students can focus on their courses without having peers as a distraction. 因为你的学生在家, 欺凌的机会更少了, 不恰当的影响, 或者你不能容忍的行为. 另外, online school lets your student benefit from the local school’s curriculum without the wasted time of long bus or car rides, 天气延误, 点名, 还有健谈的同学.

Put simply, virtual schools are able to tailor education to each individual child. 学生不会被其他学生分散注意力, and their learning isn’t interrupted because a teacher has to address other students’ bad behaviors.


在线学校可以是一个 学术的生命线 对于很多学生来说,比如那些:

  • 比其他学生更快或更慢地掌握新材料
  • need the ability to manage health concerns throughout the day
  • 经历欺凌后重建信心吗
  • accrue many absences because of a difficult-to-accommodate schedule

它还可以帮助减少病假, as students can work on school at a different time of the day if they aren’t feeling well.

有需要的学生 以不同的方式对待学校 由于变化
circumstances deserve an opportunity to thrive in their educational pursuits.
Online school offers a unique approach that not only can accommodate these students but also provide the tools needed to succeed. 在线学校的老师可以个性化布置作业, 提供额外正规买球十大平台, and even arrange time to talk with students one on one to provide the individual attention they need.


虽然他们可能不会每天都见到同学, students at virtual schools often form better connections with the people with whom they interact regularly. 另外, virtual schools offer more one-on-one time with instructors, 哪些可以提升学习体验.

The flexible schedule and structure of virtual schools allows parents to take a more active role in their children’s education. They can create a custom calendar of social activities to suit each child’s interests and temperament. They will also likely find it much easier to schedule important family trips and outings. It’s easy to accommodate social activities and time for kids to be kids when a child’s school schedule is subject to his or her personal schedule.

给他们的孩子带来这些好处, 家长们告诉我们,他们也觉得在线学校很有价值. They have the opportunity to be involved in their children’s schooling and to nurture their love of learning. And many report that they have more family time and closer bonds than before. If your children could benefit from the many advantages offered by virtual schooling, 在一个 推荐正规买球平台® online school today or contact us if you have any questions.


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探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


