

Selecting a school for your child comes with a lot of consideration for not only your child’s needs, 而是为了你家人的需要, 也. 

For example, how involved do you want to be in your child’s education and the school’s community? 什么样的学校能适应你的时间表? 你想和学生的学校或老师建立什么样的关系? Would your child benefit from accelerated instruction or do they need extra support? 

Knowing the answers to these simple questions can help determine which of these schools you select: 

  • 传统公立学校

  • 特许学校

  • 私人/独立学校

  • 公立中学

  • 自主学习

  • 在线公立/私立学校

同时学习如何为你的孩子选择一所学校, 从探索每所学校提供的课程开始. 

K -12学校有哪些类型?


Online public schools offer virtual programs that are designed to allow students to learn from home. 在像推荐正规买球平台®这样的在线学校,学生可以从老师那里学习 认证课程 under the guidance of instructors, with support from their parents as Learning Coaches.


传统的, brick-and-mortar public schools are tuition-free learning institutions that divide instruction into grade levels typically based on a child’s age and academic abilities. The curriculum is overseen by school districts and need to meet state standards, 其中包括教师的执照要求, 政策与政府, 哪些是由州和地方决定的. At these schools, students participate in in-person instruction with their teachers and peers. 班级规模、课外活动等因地点而异.


特许学校s are similar to traditional brick-and-mortar public schools but are not a part of a specific school district. 像公立学校一样,特许学校不收学费. However, enrolling your child often requires a separate application, as space is often limited. 特许学校s offer advanced or unique education opportunities for students, 无论是艺术还是大学预科, 它们由政府资助,但可以由任何公司开设, 组织, 或者个人.


私立学校不是由政府资助的, 因此,他们可以自由地制定自己的课程. 这些学校可能由营利性企业经营, 私人基金会, 宗教组织, 和更多的, which typically determine the type of environment or philosophy the school focuses on. Private schools typically charge tuition, though many also offer scholarships. 它们可以是 在线 或实体.


公立中学s specialize in specific areas, such as technology, science, or the arts. Many magnet schools admit students based on their achievements and can therefore be highly selective and competitive, 而另一些学校则采用摇号方式招收学生. 公立中学s can be a great option for students who have an established passion in a specific area and want to explore their interests more in-depth.


自主学习ing is when students are primarily educated by their parents or guardians at home or in a 社区学习舱. 许多在家上学的学生遵循固定的课程,并可能参加俱乐部, 组, 和合作社,接受全面的教育.

Now that we’ve identified your choices, let’s dive into the similarities and differences of each.



选择学校时, 有几个因素会影响你的决定,其中最重要的是成本. 而传统的, 宪章, 公立在线学校通常是推荐正规买球平台的, 私立学校的家长已经习惯了 在教育上花费数千美元.  

One of the primary reasons parents may choose a 私人 school is better college or career preparation. Students at 私人 schools may experience a more student-focused learning environment, 严格的课程, 以及每天的个性化关注.  

但在决定送孩子去私立学校之前, 考虑与这种教育相关的一切是至关重要的. 统一费用是多少? 书和用品多少钱? 研究很重要, so learning more about the financial details of 私人 school can help inform what option is best for your student. 特许学校s can also offer many of the same benefits to students as 私人 schools but are typically tuition-free. 

公共在线学校, 自主学习, 还有面对面的学校, 父母付出很少甚至不付出, which could be a major deciding factor when figuring out how to choose the right school for your child. 而家庭仍然需要支付学习用品的费用, 实地考察和课外活动, 所有这些选择都比私立学校更省钱.


Your location has a huge influence on the educational options available to your student. 在大多数情况下,学生将根据他们居住的地区去上学. So, 如果你想让你的学生和你自己都有一个简单方便的通勤方式, 你附近的一所学校可能是一个不错的选择.

私立和特许学校, 然而, 可能不在你的附近, 所以你需要考虑旅行距离是否适合你的家人. 如果通勤时间超过30分钟, 例如, 这不仅延长了你的一天, but it could also potentially cut into your student’s homework time and significantly impact their 总体幸福感

On the other hand, 在线 school and 自主学习 students don’t have to worry about transportation. 相反,在家学习可以提供一个完美的机会 充分利用你的位置优势.



Classroom culture and structure is typically influenced by an individual teacher, 但学校的总体上课时间安排因学校设置而异.  

实体学校——不管它们是否公立, 私人, or 宪章—typically have a set schedule for all students with clear start and end times to the day. This setup is ideal for working parents and students who thrive with more structure, 但却没有多少灵活性去追求外界的激情.   

Parents who have students that attend 在线 public schools or 自主学习 can create schedules that best suit their students’ lifestyles and family schedule. 自主学习 and 在线 parents can also choose to implement frequent breaks for students to help them focus better versus traditional or 私人 schools where students may only receive a break once or twice a day. 



Now that you know what choices are out there and you’ve considered the needs of your child 也 as your family, 你可以开始选学校了.


试着问问朋友, 家庭成员, 或者邻居推荐正规买球平台他们可能知道的学校, 以及进行网络搜索. 一旦你有了这个清单,你就可以:

  • 看看学校的网站, 上面会有学费之类的信息, 应用程序需求, 还有学生手册和课程之类的材料.

  • 加入他们的邮件列表 这样您就可以接收到更新的信息.

  • 看看这些学校的社交媒体账户 了解每所学校的特色和课程, 以及你和你的学生在学校的生活是什么样子的.

  • 查一下学校 评论网站、博客、Reddit、谷歌评论等等. 你也可以在学校的网站上找到家长的推荐信.


许多学校定期为潜在的新生举行开放日活动. Make sure to mark your calendars and register in advance, as space may be limited. 

你也可以参加其他学校的活动, 就像田径比赛一样, 玩, 或者筹款活动, which can give you a unique opportunity to get to know the community you and your student might be joining. 大多数学校的网站上都有社交日历, but you can also ask an administrator if they have any upcoming events open to the public or prospective students.


It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the enrollment processes of your top schools, 包括关键的日期和截止日期.

帮助你比较学校,做出最后的决定, 我们建议创建一个清单,列出你正在考虑的所有学校. Include areas like academics, cost, diversity, support services, and extracurriculars.

But if you do have other questions on how to pick the right school for your child or what it looks like to be enrolled in an 在线 public school, 你可以拿着这个 测试 确定虚拟学校是否适合你的学生. 你也可以收到一个 免费eGuide 概述在线学习,提供专家建议,等等.

E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited 在线 public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


